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Digital Business Evolution

Jun 27, 2023

In this episode of the Digital Business Evolution Podcast, Jess takes a deep dive into entrepreneurship and how it compares to painting inside the lines. After receiving the question “what makes it all worth it”  Jess shares her journey from leaving her job to becoming an entrepreneur, and redefining the meaning of "winning" at the game of life. 

This episode cuts out all the fluffy answers you've heard most entrepreneurs say such as, “it's worth it because it creates freedom” or “it's worth it because it creates more time and space for the things you want to do.” Jess is always learning and explores today the different tools and techniques she uses to create her own style, and how entrepreneurship can be a path to personal development. All of this is about valuing life beyond money, and how small moments can have a ripple effect on those around us. By being a new version of ourselves, we can create a ripple effect and inspire others.

As always, cheers to your evolution!

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn the real definition of “winning” at the game of entrepreneurship. 

  • Learn how Jess motivates herself to work on those “off”days

  • Learn what are some examples that can create a ripple effect. 

  • Learn why ego is your biggest overhead and how you can overcome it everytime it comes up in your journey. 

Episode Resources

📸 Current Gear/Camera Setup

Connect with Jess

Instagram: @iamjessicaderose

TikTok: @iamjessicaderose

YouTube: Jessica DeRose