Dec 22, 2022
Dr. Lori Provencher discusses the disparity in Medicare reimbursements between male and female ophthalmologists with Dr. Nazlee Zebardast, author of “Sex-Based Differences in Medicare Reimbursements among Ophthalmologists Persist across Time.”
Sex-Based Differences in Medicare Reimbursements among Ophthalmologists...
Dec 8, 2022
Dr. Rajesh Rao speaks with his coauthors Drs. Hakan Demirci and Noah Brown about their Ophthalmology Retina article, “Aqueous Humor–Derived MYD88 L265P Mutation Analysis in Vitreoretinal Lymphoma.”
Aqueous Humor–Derived MYD88 L265P Mutation Analysis in Vitreoretinal Lymphoma. Demirci, Hakan et al. Ophthalmology...
Nov 10, 2022
Dr. Edmund Tsui interviews author Dr. David Sarraf on his recent Ophthalmology Retina article, “Clinical and Morphologic Characteristics of Perivenular Fernlike Leakage on Ultrawide-field Fluorescein Angiography”
Clinical and Morphologic Characteristics of Perivenular Fernlike Leakage on Ultrawide-field Fluorescein...
Oct 27, 2022
Recorded in front of a live audience at the AAO 2022 Annual Meeting in Chicago. Join a full panel of our hosts as they interview Dr. Nisha Acharya about her recent Ophthalmology article, “Association between Immunosuppressive Drugs and Coronavirus Disease 2019 Outcomes in Patients with Noninfectious Uveitis in a Large...
Oct 13, 2022
To dilate or not to dilate, that is the question Dr. Lori Provencher asks Dr. David S. Friedman as they discuss the results of his Ophthalmology Glaucoma article “Acute Angle-Closure Attacks Are Uncommon in Primary Angle-Closure Suspects after Pharmacologic Mydriasis.”
Acute Angle-Closure Attacks Are Uncommon in...