Apr 27, 2022
Robin Dill is a frequent speaker about dementia caregiving, faith and respite ministry. She is a certified trainer for the Rosalyn Carter Institute for Caregivers Dealing with Dementia Class. Robin graduated from Clemson University with a BS degree, earned a Certificate of Professional Development in Gerontology from Kennesaw State, a certificate in Montessori-Based Dementia Programming, a certificate in Alzheimer's Care from the Alzheimers Association and other several accolades and advancements within her profession. She launched and directed Grace Arbor, a 4 day per week program that targets people with dementia. For more information on Robin and her amazing skill, passion and journey, get on www.rdillblogwalkingwithgrace.wordpress.com
Robin wrote and published Walking With Grace, a manual to help other faith based organizations launch respite ministries. (Available on Amazon)