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Aging Angst and Alleluias

Jul 5, 2023

Host, Mary Anne Oglesby-Sutherly and producer, Sue Duffield come right out of the starting gate discussing the hilarity of being hacked and cloned on Facebook! Plus an update on Mary Anne's client whose charges were dropped after being arrested - is a great story with a compassionate ending. There's still the on-going struggle with those who have dementia, and how the system treats these individuals when they make mistakes, but thankfully, the officials in Sumner County, Tennessee, returned dignity to the person and their family.

"When a family's back is against the wall while dealing with caregiving, there's no doubt that we make it way too hard", Mary Anne shares. "You don't need a PhD to be kind." Advocacy for yourself also in the medical system is a struggle in of itself without dementia, let alone with it. 

The 2023 Sumner County Caregivers Conference will be Aug. 4th, 2023 at Rehoboth United Methodist Church in Gallatin, TN. For more information, get on