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Pivot Parenting: Expert Tips for Navigating Teen and Tween Challenges

Dec 27, 2022

A most beloved Christmas story is that of the Grinch stealing Christmas. He makes some extreme changes in a very short amount of time, and they can be applied to parenting, yay! So of course I had to do a Christmas episode on it. Listen in as I break down where the Grinch missed the mark and how he so gracefully self...

142. Silent Night: When Your Teen Gives You the Silent Treatment

Dec 20, 2022

There are two kinds of silent treatment: One, where it's intentional and a response to another person, the second is a person's natural disposition. It's common for me to have mothers complaining that their teen gives them one word responses, doesn't share details about themselves, and avoids conversations. 

Knowing why...

Dec 13, 2022

As a parent, your parents, friends and peers ask about your teen. What they're up to, who they're dating, what will happen after college. It's all fine until it's not. Everyone has that family member, every neighborhood has that person. The one that you don't want to find out whatever is happening because you don't...

Dec 6, 2022

"You are not broken." Britt wants this tattooed to her forehead. Listen in as she and I discuss how it's possible to not only overcome lifelong depression and anxiety, but turn them into superpowers. Britt keeps it real as she shares her experiences as both a mother with mental health challenges, and as the teen...

Nov 29, 2022

We hold our babies in our arms and picture teaching them all of our favorite things... and they love it! We imagine having deep conversations, fun adventures, and holding the same views of religion, politics, and movies.

Some parents get this fantasy, others do not. Many parents I meet have broken hearts over the lack...