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Pivot Parenting: Expert Tips for Navigating Teen and Tween Challenges

Aug 31, 2021

The term "cookie-cutter" exists because our brains notice patterns and similarities. We like this, it comforts us with predictability. But what happens when our child doesn't "fit" the norm? In this episode, Minda and I have an honest and eye opening conversation about this very thing. Minda is stepping into the unknown and parenting radically.

About my guest: Minda spent her entire twenties and thirties trying to change people, but in the end she realized she was miserable and needed a nap.

That's when she witnessed the magic of hiring a life coach. Someone who could help her recognize her blind spots, as well as help her reshape

every relationship in her life. As a relationship expert, Minda loves to teach women how to transform their toughest relationships with the females

they're related to. To learn more, please visit minda at