Nov 29, 2022
We hold our babies in our arms and picture teaching them all of our favorite things... and they love it! We imagine having deep conversations, fun adventures, and holding the same views of religion, politics, and movies.
Some parents get this fantasy, others do not. Many parents I meet have broken hearts over the lack...
Nov 22, 2022
It's easy to think of things we like that we're grateful for, but what about everything else? This Thanksgiving episode is all about being grateful for the things that we may dislike at first glance. Listen in and see if you can find more to be grateful for in your parenting and life.
To learn more about parenting your...
Nov 15, 2022
Not all parenting is created equal. No parent is completely one way or another. Listen in as I explain my findings on how most parenting presents in any given situation. Awareness is the first step in creating change. Are you ready?
Nov 8, 2022
A common self judgement that I hear from parents is their lack of being present with the family. They can't tune in when their kid is talking, they withdraw from social settings, they see their brain off in the weeds and get really frustrated. It happens too often, they don't know what is happening or how to make it...
Nov 1, 2022
If you're doing your best, but fear is never far from you-
If you are nit-picking yourself and your kids-
If you know that something's got to give, but can't seem to get there-
...then this episode is for you, and with so much love!
To learn more about parenting your teen, please visit