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Pivot Parenting: Expert Tips for Navigating Teen and Tween Challenges

Sep 26, 2023

Okay, in today's episode I keep it real with the fact that sometimes we just want to be on vaca, far from everyone... including our kids. (Ohh! I said it. And without feeling any mom guilt or shame, to boot.)

We all have human monents, and I'm here to normalize that fact. So sit back, push play, and prepare to feel...

Sep 19, 2023

Lying, vaping, cussing, fighting, and being obnoxious in class. Parents get a call or email from their teens' teachers and the shame sets in. Gossiping, bullying, and causing neighborhood backlash and you want to hide under a rock. 

Our teens do stuff that we don't appreciate and we try everything to get them to knock...

Sep 12, 2023

Having heard it all- a few times over, there are repeat parenting offenders that never end well when you're trying to parent your teens. Listen in as I outline ten of the most popular such as contempt, control, and power struggles.

Also, these ten common pain points often come up when trying to negotiate things like...

Sep 5, 2023

Do you have a hard time knowing what is true? You're not alone. We tend to not want to see what IS, our brains spin tails about future truths, and others project thier judgments on us like truths. All the while, we parents are trying to love and teach our kids the best we can. With so much confusion, it's easy to not...