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Pivot Parenting: Expert Tips for Navigating Teen and Tween Challenges

May 28, 2024

One of the most common points of contention parents and teens have: Screens. 

Video games, phones, vegging out for hours... while chores, school work and people are neglected. Listen in as I explain the simple two step process of prying your teen off their device and back into the real word. Psychologically founded and...

May 21, 2024

While I'm not saying parents have complete control over what their teens do (they don't), they DO have influence- and age old psychology does a pretty good job of predicting how the human brain will respond to certain parenting behaviors. 

Knowing what I teach in this Pivot Parenting episode will better help you...

May 14, 2024

When our kids know who they are, independent from accomplishment, others opinions, and other external details, they have more confidence, happiness and success. So how do we help them work this out during the typically hardest 'identity' years they'll have? Listen in as Traci and I go over all the details you need...

May 7, 2024

The role of mother can be very lonely. We don't want to blab our teen's struggles to our friends, we are pulled in every direction, trying to be there for everyone, all while the list of things to do grows by the day. Why is it important to have friends amidst the chaos and how does one go about fostering meaningful...