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Pollen: For Creative Entrepreneurs with Diana Davis

May 23, 2024

Since you’re the face of your brand as a solopreneur, you have to connect with your people on a different level. People buy from people, so we have to balance being a human and sharing our own personal story and experiences with the brand side of things. For today’s episode we’re going to be talking about your...

May 15, 2024

This episode is a long time coming! Alexandra Smith, my friend and my OBM (Online Business Manager) is joining us on the show. I've worked with Alexandra for a few years now and not only is she great at being the integrator in my business so I can focus on being the creative visionary, but she also has an incredible...

May 1, 2024

Get ready for a real, very in-the-moment episode! If you've been around here for a minute you've heard me mention my new community, Recess. It's such an incredible space, but creating it had its challenges too. For this episode, I'm doing a sort of part 2 to Episode 17 where I talked about some advice for building...