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Justin and Adrienne's Music Life Weekly

May 31, 2023

Adrienne finally agrees to sing at her cousin's wedding, after repeatedly saying no. Adrienne takes on a new project of learning as many songs on bass as possible. Justin's recent acoustic practice with Cody helps him with an unplanned acoustic situation with Adrienne. Justin recommends against doing something he's done...

May 24, 2023

This is part 2 of our conversation with musician Joe Mondragon. Justin describes how he knows a song is finally done. Joe describes several ways he helps students start writing songs. How external pressures like gigs or studio time booked are the best motivator. How gigging is addictive. The spectrum of...

May 17, 2023

Justin and Adrienne welcome Joe Mondragon (as of this podcast, also known as "Joey Drags") to the podcast. Joe's band plays rock versions of Disney tunes. Joe talks about the lazy reason he likes being in Creature Canopy. Joe's mom tricks him into taking guitar lessons as a young teenager. Joe gets the evil eye from...

May 10, 2023

Adrienne goes up to Fort Collins for the third time in a week, this time to play Live at Lunch on KRFC 88.9FM with Pamela Machala. Adrienne realizes a thing she often does in production that she thinks isn't very creative… which leads to a realization about artist identity. Justin has an unpopular opinion about Kanye...

May 3, 2023

Adrienne O the band is a featured artist of the month on Indie 102.3 FM.  Adrienne enjoys the honeymoon period with the band's new songs. Justin learns that FoCoMx does NOT stand for "Fort Collins, Mexico."  Justin and Adrienne play at the Lyric Theatre, which feels a bit like the Meow Wolf of Fort Collins. Adrienne...