Sep 30, 2022
Again apologies for the late downloads.. I will work on doing better for all of you and post these more timely, but also feel free to join us on Saturday nights for a show so we can hang out together, and feel free to ask us questions or just comment on what we are discussing.
Sep 30, 2022
Well for some reason the episodes were not uploading so here is our show from 2 weeks where we talk about what happened 2 weeks ago.. Enjoy!!!
Sep 12, 2022
We discuss the news that came out of D23.. Sean and Steve talk Game or Thrones or Throne of Power or Power of the Throne.. What is that show called.. Oh Yeah. House of the Dragon as well as Rings of Power. We also talk about how much we are loving She-Hulk. Tape Talk, Comic Talk, Toy Talk.. All kinds of talk in this...
Sep 8, 2022
The Geekz went live again on Saturday Night to discuss the new shows releasing this week. Some big time pickups, and just to Geek out.. So sit back relax and enjoy the show..
Sep 1, 2022
The Geekz went live on Youtube with another show.. Was this our 400th overall Legacy show? Who knows, but we are getting close.. We have been together longer than most relationships.. So listen to us tease each other, bicker like children and fight like siblings as we discuss news from around the Geeksphere, and talk...