Austin Film Festival's On Story

This week on On Story, we're having a conversation with Katrin Benedikt.

Co-writer of the non-stop political action thrillers Olympus Has Fallen, London Has Fallen, and Expendables 3, Benedikt lends a behind-the-scenes look into the realities of breaking into Hollywood as a writer, from pitching the same story for years on end, navigating relationships with co-writers, agents, and producers, to completing last-minute rewrites on set. A true lover of action movies, Benedikt discusses crafting characters for star-studded casts and working with genre experts Antoine Fuqua and Sylvester Stallone.

Olympus Has Fallen clips courtesy of Film District.

London Has Fallen clips courtesy of Millennium Media.

Expendables 3 clips courtesy of Lionsgate Media.

Direct download: OSR_Katrin_Benedikt_Three_Burials_Podcast_A.mp3
Category:Film and Television -- posted at: 11:00am CST