Dec 12, 2024
In this episode of the Brain & Life podcast, Dr. Katy Peters is joined by author, essayist, and speaker who “writes, thinks, and talks about disability” Jessica Slice. Jessica shares about her experiences as a disabled parent, what inspired her to write her books, and what hopes she has for the future. Dr. Peters is then joined by Dr. Svetlana Blitshteyn, Director and Founder of Dysautonomia Clinic and Clinical Associate Professor of Neurology at the University at Buffalo Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences. Dr. Blitshteyn explains exactly what Ehlers-Danlos, POTS, and Dysautonomia are, how diagnoses are made, and what treatment options look like.
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Additional Resources
Understanding the Mysteries of POTS and Other Autonomic Disorders
A Swimmer Returns to the Pool After Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Diagnosis
New Research May Help People with Long-Haul COVID-19
Other Brain & Life Episodes on Similar Topics
Understanding Long COVID: What We Know
How Paula Carozzo is Redefining Disability and Advocating for Her Community
How Disability Advocate Wesley Hamilton Became Empowered by Adversity
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Social Media:
Guests: Jessica Slice @jessicaslice; Dr. Svetlana Blitshtyen @dysclinic
Hosts: Dr. Daniel Correa @neurodrcorrea; Dr. Katy Peters @KatyPetersMDPhD