Mar 5, 2024
In over two years of The Written Scene podcast, we've heard about the various paths writers take to becoming an author. If there's one thing you can count on, it's that there is no one single way to becoming an author. Once again, author and law professor Justin Brooks provides further proof.
In this episode, Justin discusses the grind of non-fiction, bias as a writer that can ruin the story you write, how the internet has made fiction more accurate, finding a balance between description and movement, why reading modern writers is important if you want to be a modern writer, the terrible cycle of illiteracy among kids of incarcerated people, adjusting and evolving character while writing the story, being a pantser as both a writer and a student, why the actor Greg Kinnear followed him around the law school where he taught, writing and selling a movie script, and much more.
You Might Go to Prison, Even Though You're Innocent (Univ. of California Press, 2023)
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Music: Addis Ababa