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The Written Scene

Nov 12, 2024

Author and journalist Alex Kecskes has always known he wanted to be a writer. After various writing ventures, he discovered the freedom of writing novels.

In this episode of The Written Scene, Alex talks about using history as writing inspiration, writing about the plane ride when he moved from Hungary to the US as a kid, the life changing teachers in our lives, how an advertising career taught him how to tell a story, having multiple drafts for each type of writing process, bringing your audience into your world, the stark difference between writing screenplays vs. writing novels, which aspect of writing feels like actual work, getting a personal approach with a small publisher, how technology plays a role in writing and life overall, and so much more.

While I don't promote purchasing books on Amazon (please buy from local bookstores), it's where his book is sold and in the end, it's still very important to support authors. Use this link to get your copy of Alex's book, Healer.

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Music: Addis Ababa by Eshi Era