May 24, 2023
This episode is a short tribute to Martin Amis, who died of Oesophageal Cancer, only last Friday.
Apr 11, 2023
Nelson and Jonathan continue their discussion of J. G. Ballard's novel 'Crash'. Pink Floyd get a mention, and Jonathan exposes for the whole world, one of Nelson's most closely guarded secrets. Now you're interested.
The music was composed and performed specially for these episodes by Jonathan Craig.
Mar 28, 2023
In 1973, J. G. Ballard published 'Crash', an orgy of a novel, which made an aesthetics of sex and violence. In what Ballard called an 'extreme metaphor', the car crash became the culmination of orgasm, celebrity worship, and nihilistic longing. Yes, well, quite. Who better to discuss this distasteful blemish...
Jun 16, 2022
On the 16th of June 1904, James Joyce was taken in hand by the straight-talking chambermaid who was to become his utterly devoted wife. This episode is not about that chambermaid. It was written at an angle to the little universe brought to life each year on Bloom's Day, the day of Joyce's meeting, and the day on which...
Mar 19, 2022
In this episode, Nelson talks to Jonathan Craig about Science Fiction, and whether it has literary value. Jonathan is a writer, policy advisor, accessibility consultant, and the former editor of Blind Citizen's News. He was an artistic advisor for Convergence: a speculative game about climate emergency.
The theme song...