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Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson

Oct 25, 2022

They'll summarize their final forecasts for the fateful Nov. 8 election next week, but in this episode, Mike and Kelly discuss a timeless topic that transcends politics and everything else.  Politics is downstream from culture, and culture--and the stability of our society itself--is downstream from the institution...

Oct 20, 2022

If it seems American culture is rapidly growing darker, more violent, and corrosive—that’s because it definitely is.  On today's program, Mike and Kelly (and special guest Clint Davis, MS, LPC and Certified Addiction Therapist) discuss: some of the most outrageous new threats to children; new programs and...

Oct 11, 2022

The controversy over Columbus Day now reminds us each year of the Left's increasing efforts to rewrite America's history. In this episode, with the help of historian and author Jarrett Stepman of The Heritage Foundation, Mike and Kelly set the record straight about the great explorer who first discovered our lands....

Oct 4, 2022

In this episode, Mike discusses the extraordinary cultural challenges that Christian kids face today with his longtime friend and former colleague, Dan Panetti. Dan, who is an attorney and Worldview Director at one of the leading Christian schools in America, Prestonwood Christian Academy, presents some important keys...