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Truth be Told with Mike & Kelly Johnson

May 27, 2023

In this episode, Mike provides the very latest on the debt ceiling negotiation and its consequences for everyone. He then interviews Family Research Council President Tony Perkins on the outrageous woke/LGBTQ+ agenda of Target, Anheuser-Busch, and some of America's largest corporations--and how Christians and other conscientious citizens should respond. They also discuss this week's backlash in the Louisiana Legislature, where one Republican state senator derailed a bill to protect young children from dangerous and experimental transgender surgeries. Also included here is the brief commencement address that Mike delivered at Louisiana Tech University on May 20, 2023, on the importance of embracing TRUTH. 



Target CEO Scoffs at Trans Agenda Uproar (The Washington Stand)

Religious Landscape of America Undergoing Massive Change (Politico)

Mike's Commencement Address at La. Tech University (video)


Produced by Strong Wave Media, LLC


© 2023 Mike and Kelly Johnson