Jun 30, 2023
We're delighted to relay some breaking and very encouraging news on this early Friday morning! Yesterday (June 29), the Supreme Court issued two landmark opinions that will have a significant effect on American society and the survival of our constitional rights. Mike summarizes here why the decisions to strike down...
Jun 24, 2023
Returning after a devastating storm and following a crazy two weeks in Washington, Mike and Kelly discuss the latest breaking news on the corruption being exposed in the White House and the Department of Justice, and why these developments are so dangerous to our nation. They also reflect on where the issue of life...
Jun 5, 2023
As truth is now openly challenged and a deluge of huge cultural issues are hitting close to home for every American, it’s becoming more important than ever for all people of good conscience, and certainly Christians, to be able to think through the issues and respond appropriately. In this episode, Mike and...