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The Better Man Podcast

Dec 1, 2022

Life is full of twists and turns that can turn things that were once easy into difficult experiences. Whether it’s with your health, your relationships, your fitness, or your success goals. 

But there are strategies you can employ to make each difficult aspect of life a little easier. And that’s what Josh Whalen, CEO of Blokes, and I discuss on today’s episode. 

In this episode, you’ll discover the difference between health care and health insurance, how to navigate rocky waters in your relationships, and simple ways to optimize your testosterone levels. 

Listen now. 

Show highlights include: 

  • How a poor diet, high stress levels, and mismanaging your environment causes a downward spiral across every aspect of your health (8:46) 
  • Why surgery isn’t nearly as important as the physical therapy afterwards for healing your body (13:44) 
  • How finding a doctor who does healthcare in a non-traditional fashion (i.e. not solely based on health insurance) helps them provide you with healing modalities which aren’t limited by insurance companies (16:28) 
  • Why cash pay medical clinics can save you thousands of dollars (and provide you with better care) (23:31) 
  • How blocking off personal time on your calendar boosts your productivity and shrinks your stress (27:22) 
  • The “Anti-David Goggins” approach for hitting your fitness and success goals (without burning yourself out) (29:35) 
  • Why something as simple as breathing is the antidote to burnout, stress, and mental anguish (37:12) 
  • How being uncomfortable with your spouse today makes your relationship smoother in the future (45:36) 
  • The weird way pregnancy can lower your testosterone levels and sabotage your sex drive (57:25) 
  • 5 natural ways to magnify your testosterone levels before going on testosterone replacement therapy (1:04:45) 

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