Dec 5, 2024
Today’s guest, Barry, is a recently-retired pharmacist who has learned first-hand from his extensive experience in the healthcare industry just how important movement and strength are for preventing serious chronic diseases.
Barry saw how diabetes, heart disease, strokes, and even arthritis wrecked people’s lives and caused all sorts of life-threatening complications. And he also realized that simple advice that most people overlook, like moving and strengthening your body, are the best antidotes to these life-crushing problems.
If you have a desire to avoid being reliant on medications long-term to maintain your health, perhaps nothing is more important than figuring out how to remain active and build strength—especially as you age.
That’s what Barry and I discuss in today’s episode, including…
Why exercise alone can stave off chronic diseases and pain
How starting small lets you build momentum so you barely recognize yourself by this time next year
A few simple steps to actually get off medications so you’re not reliant on them
And more!
Other highlights from this show include:
Is yoga the best way to clear up plantar fasciitis? A pharmacist with personal experience weighs in at (1:01)
What to do after your physical therapy exercises become so dull you can’t do them anymore (4:36)
How sitting too much after turning 50 unleashes random aches & pains on your legs and lower back (8:29)
3 simple ways to shed 20 pounds of fat in a few months (without working out 2 hours per day or starving yourself) (10:53)
How to find ironclad motivation to exercise—even in retirement where many guys take their foot off the gas (26:17)
The Pharmacist’s secret for preventing diabetes, heart disease, and chronic pain that most people overlook (29:37)
Listen now!
Quotes from this episode’s guest:
(1:09) I previously had plantar fasciitis, and was able to clear that up largely through yoga.
(4:36) And to be honest, I much preferred doing the yoga routines because physiotherapy exercises tend to be kind of dull and boring.
(8:35) The leg pain was mostly, if I was sitting for a period of time, my right leg in particular would start to ache. And as I started doing more Man Flow Yoga, it became less and less noticeable. And I rarely have an issue with it now.
(12:14) Any little extra step that I have to do to exercise is a big obstacle, I find. So if I have to leave the house, it makes it harder. If I have to drive somewhere to work out, it makes it harder. But if I can just go down into our basement and work out in our little gym area, then that's really easy.
(29:51) There's a lot that you can do by remaining active and trying to strengthen your body that will help to prevent diabetes, heart disease, and chronic pain that I think people overlook
Related Article:
How Man Flow Yoga Helped Barry Eliminate His Back & Hip Pain Entirely (Member Highlight: Barry P.)
Other important links:
Want to improve your sexual wellness, get stronger erections, and last longer in bed? Then join the FREE 7-Day Sexual Wellness Challenge here:
Want to unlock more flexibility and strength, reduce your risk of injury, and feel your absolute best over the next 7 days? Then join the FREE 7-Day Beginner’s Yoga for Men Challenge here:
Tired of doing a form of yoga that causes more injuries than it helps prevent? The cold, hard truth is men need yoga specifically designed for them. Well, here's some good news: You can start your 7-day free trial to Man Flow Yoga by visiting