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The Better Man Podcast

Jul 28, 2022

How can disaster and setbacks help us change for the better?

Today I’m speaking with Dr. Anthony Balduzzi, a weight loss expert, and doctor in naturopathic medicine. Dr. Anthony is the founder of The Fit Father and The Fit Mother project, and has helped over 40,000 people lose weight and get healthy without following...

Jul 21, 2022

In this episode, I’m talking to Blake Bowman, a postural alignment and corrective exercise coach who’s been in this industry for over a decade. During that period, he learned that health and performance is a chess board consisting of many critical moving pieces.

Blake has been a guinea pig almost his entire life....

Jul 14, 2022

How do you run a multi-million dollar business while raising a loving family and taking care of your well-being? It’s a question that so many high achievers have failed to answer for themselves.

Today, I’m speaking with Matt Allison, a man that has. Matt went through all the trials and tribulations of founding and...

Jul 7, 2022

Today I’m excited to bring my favorite person on the planet onto my podcast - my wife, Marisa Pohlman - to talk about the changes we went through becoming parents, how we stay fit, and the challenges we face in family life.

If you’re wondering, Marisa is a PT (Physical Therapist) with a doctorate in physical...