Dec 24, 2022
Frank and Chris get interviewed on leadership, entrepreneurship and building your dream career as guests on The Guiding Voice. You can find The Guiding Voice wherever you listen to podcasts.
For the FULL VERSION of our interviews and Talking Nerdy Episodes Plus a bunch of other bonuses join our "Awesome...
Dec 15, 2022
In this Talking Nerdy Chris and Frank discuss the growing Dungeons and Dragons market and discuss the ins and outs of the updates that Wizards of the Coast are doing
For the FULL VERSION of this Talking Nerdy PLUS, lots of other bonuses join the "Awesome Nerdpreneur Board!" *epic thunderclap* on Patreon!
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Dec 8, 2022
In this Talking Nerdy Chris and Frank share takeaways and reflections from our interview with Aram the Tarantula Breeder from @urbantarantulas. Plus have a discussion about Tsunamis and how big a wave actually is...
For the FULL VERSION of this Talking Nerdy PLUS, lots of other bonuses join the "Awesome...