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The Artful Leader

Apr 29, 2022

We are all artists. Yes, really. In this episode, expressive arts therapist Tish McAllise Sjoberg shares about her mission to inspire creativity and art making in everyone, her daily scribble art practice, and the power of just one person to create meaningful change. Listen to learn how you can develop your own transformative daily art practice starting with one scribble, and how this practice can be therapeutic and can even have a social justice impact. 


Find Tish and Expressive Arts @ 32 & Thorn here 

Scribble Art: A How To Guide and Coloring Book

Get your own Scribble Kit 

Four Hundred Souls by Ibram X Kendi

A Letter to Agnes De Mille from Martha Graham 

The War of Art: Break Through the Blocks and Win Your Inner Creative Battles by Steven Pressfield

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