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A Wealthy Life

Dec 29, 2022

Episode 44: Isn’t it time you decided for yourself


This episode is all about removing stress from your life! Step One: make sure you are the person calling the shots in your life. Celebrities, marketing and social pressure have no place in your decision making. Step Two: make sure you feel grateful and appreciated. Step Three: do what you want to do with the people you want to spend time with.


Around the holidays, there are several ways you can put these steps into practice. For example, do you even like Christmas pudding or would you prefer chocolate cake? Do your kids need (or even want) 10 new toys or is there one special thing they would love? Do you like holiday parties or would you rather go for a walk with friends? There are sets of rituals we are told we must follow during the holiday season, and I’m sure I’m not the first to tell you how stressful these can be.


I invite you to be discerning this holiday season about what really brings you joy and adds value to your life. In the new year, I invite you to extend this practice to other areas, such as your business, your health and your social life.


Links & Resources: 




Highlights from this episode: 


[00:02:30] – Again, feeling appreciated is important

[00:08:44] – Reality is what we make of it

[00:12:45] – Adverts have always manipulated how we feel

[00:17:30] – What is a lifestyle business?

[00:21:10] – Give the gift of memories


Has this podcast started you thinking about what A Wealthy Life might look and feel like for you? Why not spend another 3 minutes and take my online audit called Readiness to Retire Wealthy based on the five principles discussed in The Wealthy Retirement Plan book and episodes of this podcast? The assessment provides you with a personal score and report to help you take back control of your financial future – something business owners and employees both forget – but for different reasons.  



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Browse Books by Vicki: 

Using Other People’s Money: How to invest in property 4th edition  

Make More Money from Property: From investor thinking to a business mindset 2nd Edition  

Property for the Next Generation: Securing your future in uncertain times 2nd Edition  

The New Estate: Insights from the 22nd century  

The Wealthy Retirement Plan: A revolutionary guide to living the rest of your in style  


Or read the following Ebooks on  

9 Critical Property Principles  

The De-Job Yourself Manual: Break your reliance on a monthly wage  

The Values Manual: Understand what your values are and how they can be key to a successful business   

The Goal Setting Manual: Create meaningful and practical goals then achieve them