Dec 29, 2021
Dr. Megan McElheran joins us for the Season 6 finale. We get an
update on what Wayfound Mental Health Group has been up to, and
have a great chat about the idea of resilience. Subscribe, Listen,
and Share!
#UpTalkSeason6 #OwnYourGrowth #MoreLoveLessJudgement
Podcast Links
Recorded and Produced by BNV Media.
Proud to...
Nov 24, 2021
Jen Whalen stops by to chat about her path that led to working for
Landing Strong as the Project Manager for the life-changing
Workforce Reintegration Project. Make sure to listen to the very
end to take part in the UpTalk Check-in! Podcast now available on
Amazon Music! Subscribe, Listen, and Share!
Oct 26, 2021
Blessed to be a guest, and to finally get to sit down with Jeremie,
Brian, and Taylor from the ground-breaking Sickboy Podcast. Was an
entertaining chat that covered many topics. Have a listen, and
check out Sickboy if you haven't already. Subscribe, Listen, and
#UpTalkSeason5 #OwnYourGrowth...
Oct 12, 2021
Always an authentic, emotional chat when I get to catch up with Chad Guenter. Joining us as he is about welcome First Responders to Project All In, a life changing 5 day adventure in beautiful Tofino, BC, he fills us in on what he has been up to since S3E17 and his vision for where this amazing program is headed into...
Sep 29, 2021
Meet good friend and wellness advocate Jenna Conter. An amazing
chat about resilience and growth. Also, we are introduced to Sarah
Stachiw from Wayfound Mental Health Group. You are going to love
this! Subscribe, Listen, and Share!
#UpTalkSeason5 #OwnYourGrowth #MoreLoveLessJudgement
Guest links
The Tema Foundation