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Rick Khan podcast

Oct 10, 2022

Discover the Top 5 Facebook Ads targeting hacks to put your fb ads in front of your best audience. You see… If you’re finding that your Facebook Ads are underperforming, or you're getting the traffic, but you aren't seeing the level of leads and sales that you want. Then, This could be an audience message mismatch. Because, no matter how good your message or offer is, if you don’t show it to the right people, you’re going to waste a lot of time and money trying to get any conversions. That’s why I will show you these 5 fb hacks that work best in 2022. Each hack is designed to work with the Facebook algorithm to match your message with the perfect fb audience to get the highest fb conversions possible. And, do it at the lowest cost. Now, part of these hacks involves you using a technique of using broad keyword targeting where I show you more about this here: And for the best use of the FB algorithm make sure to have one ad set with facebook's broad Interest and open targeting within your ads where I show you more about this here: If you select specific Interests then this video will show you how to do this in the right way: But, still one audience you should be targeting is your competitors audience where i show you how to find and target them here: