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Dive into DC Podcast

Mar 13, 2024

The Green Flu is getting better but many dangers still lurk in the swamp!  An infection that has been long dormant finds its way back to the living through contact with an infected corpse. This contagion plunges people into hallucinations of their greatest fears. Maria’s grief has manifested some twisted remnant of evil masquerading as the daughter she has lost. Abby continues to investigate what happened to Alec as the science gives us more questions than answers.  Join The Silver Vox and The Green Butterfly as we dive deeper into the swamp and try to discover what is really going on in this little town. Push play to embark on an adventure through episodes 4-6 of Swamp Thing!

Cougar's Comic Corner: Suicide Squad: Dream Team (2024) #1

We ADORE Feedback!  Get your swampy thoughts or anything else DC-wise to us at!  Whether you write it out or voice record it we want to include your voice on the show!

Next Time on Dive into DC Podcast: We're hanging around in the swamp for Episodes 7-8 of Swamp Thing (2019)!  Get your feedback to us by Tuesday, March 26 at 7:00pm EDT to be heard on the show.