Nov 21, 2018
I recently participated in a debate hosted by Reason, in a West Coast version of the popular New York City-based debate series, The Soho Forum— against Ken White, an attorney at Brown, White & Osborn, author at the legal blog Popehat. For full show notes, go to:
Nov 16, 2018
Julien Nitzberg is a screenwriter, stage writer, lyricist, theater director and film director best known as the director of the documentary The Wild and Wonderful Whites of West Virginia. He also wrote the book and lyrics and directed the musical The Beastly Bombing or A Terrible Tale of Terrorists Tamed by the Tangles...
Nov 6, 2018
Cathy Reisenwitz is a research analyst for Gartner and the author of the Unintended Consequences column for the Bay City Beacon. Her writing has appeared in Reason, The Week, Forbes, the Chicago Tribune, The Daily Beast, and VICE Motherboard. For full show notes, go to: