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Take the Leap

Jan 27, 2023

Episode #68: Becoming A True Leader

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Jacqueline Wales on Take the Leap. Jacqueline Wales is the author of The Fearless Factor, The Fearless Factor @ Work, and "When The Crow Sings". She has worked with high-achieving women to help them take ownership and authority in their...

Jan 20, 2023

Episode #67: Create Peace Within

Join us today as Colleen Interviews a husband and wife team, Sid & Liz McNairy with Art of Peaceful Living on Take the Leap. Listen in to learn 3 MAJOR tips on how to create the peace within that has been missing in your life and holding you hostage.

To connect with today’s guests:...

Jan 19, 2023

Episode #66: Believe In Yourself

Join us today as Colleen shares with us her views on why your belief in yourself will either set you up for success or failure. You have a choice every day whether you believe you will succeed or fail. Like Henry Ford once said, "If you think you can or think you can't you're right."

Jan 6, 2023

Episode #65: Build Your Happy Home Life As A Step-Mom

Join us today as Colleen Interview's Amy Stone on Take the Leap. Amy Stone is a certified life coach who helps adults in blended families. She was a stepmom before she was a mom. Today she is a wife, a mom, a stepmom and a grandma. Amy uses her personal...