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She Sells He Sells

Apr 25, 2022

We often look for scripts or "words to say" to help us sell more. While regurgitating someone else's words or rote memorization never works when selling, mastering a few power phrases and knowing how to weave them into conversations can make a big difference. In this episode we're sharing five power phrases that can...

Apr 11, 2022

How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie has been a transformational book that has changed the way people sell and influence others. If you couldn’t tell, this book is one of our favorites and has really shaped our beliefs around sales and influencing. 
During this episode we talk about what it means...

Apr 11, 2022

We’re sure you’ve heard this phrase a million times - Fake it TIll you Make it! Well what does that even mean? And is it even true? Well, we have differing opinions on this and we’ve decided to debate about it on this week’s episode. 
During this episode we each take a turn discussing our perspective on the...

Apr 11, 2022

Welcome to the very first episode of She Sells He Sells! We’re a husband-wife duo with a combined total of 29 years of sales experience. We believe that sales skills are life skills, so whether you're a member of a sales team focused on meeting your monthly quota, an entrepreneur trying to launch your new business, a...