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She Sells He Sells

Aug 28, 2023

It’s not what you say, it’s how you say it.  In fact, a study out of Harvard University found that 93% of feelings + emotions received from a message come from nonverbal communication.  That means your delivery matters so much more than your words do!

This episode is the last in a 3 part series where we’re...

Aug 21, 2023

You know you need to show up as an expert to build trust with others and get them to buy into your ideas, beliefs, product or service…but how do you do it without feeling self-centered or like you’re puffing out your chest a little too much?!

It’s tricky but it IS possible, and we are talking about the how in this...

Aug 14, 2023

It’s no secret that selling is an inside job.  Not only do you have to believe in yourself + what you have to offer, but when selling you have to be coming from the right place.  One that doesn’t make you seem desperate or have “commission breath”, but instead one that shows you truly care about helping your...

Aug 7, 2023

You often hear that someone is a “natural born salesperson”, but we call total BS on that!  No matter how charismatic or tenacious you are, there are three main areas every single person must develop to sell well:  your character, your competence + your communication skills.

In this episode, we talk through each of...