Feb 7, 2023
Doing the work of dismantling the Patriarchy and all the other systems of oppression that are inherent in our society takes work--and that work never ends, really. There's just a lot to learn and understand and undo. Emily Roh, Antiracist Coach and Facilitator, does a beautiful job of walking us through the intrapersonal journey and the interpersonal journey. Of course we cannot possibly cover allllllll the things in one conversation, however there's a lot of us to learn and reflect on in this episode!
Enjoy! And if you share about the podcast on IG, please tag me and I'll repost you!
Emily's website: https://myinvisibleknapsack.com/
Emily on IG: https://www.instagram.com/myinvisibleknapsack/ Emily on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/myinvisibleknapsack/
The Nap Collective (we mention this in the episode!): https://www.instagram.com/thenapcollective/
Elijah on IG: https://www.instagram.com/elijahshannonselby/
Business as Activism on IG (New! Come follow me!): https://www.instagram.com/businessasactivism/