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The Math Club

Nov 22, 2024

In our last episode, finding Primo, Pete explained a couple of tests that mathematicians use when trying to decide if very large numbers are prime. We thought it might be helpful to see the math written down, so we put together this video bonus.

Finding Primo - full...

Nov 20, 2024

Have you heard the big news?  There’s a new largest known prime number, and Noah wants to know how it was discovered.  In this episode, Pete explains the various tests used to determine the primality of insanely large numbers, and there’s even a prime challenge for you to sink your teeth into.

Nov 6, 2024

Are you ready to revisit the best of The Math Club?  Pete and Noah share a trip down memory lane with a pair of special guests.  But as they dive deeper into their past episodes, a nagging feeling grows harder to ignore..  Who are these mysterious guests, and what strange secret are they hiding from our hosts?
