Jun 10, 2024
“Fishers of men,” “fishes and loaves,” “cast your nets to the other side:” the Gospels are full of fishing stories that have more to teach us than might first meet the eye. This summer we are diving into discipleship and the joy of the outdoors as we discover what Jesus and his friends have to teach us about the faith.
Please join us as we continue our sermon series called “Gone Fishin’” and focus on the story of Jesus feeding 5000. From this story, Pastor Clayton reminds us how important it is to focus on what we do have, instead of focusing on what we don’t have. When we “share our catch” with those in need, we are caring and helping a multitude. We remember that if we are willing to share (our time, resources, gifts, and more) God will multiply the impact of that many more times than we can possibly imagine.
Gone Fishin’ | Dr. Clayton Oliphint | First United Methodist Church of Richardson