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Set For Sentencing

Dec 26, 2022

Rounding out an "all Doug December", this is absolutely my favorite podcast appearance, simply because Sigalle Barness brings so much soul to this space.  Our conversation was from the heart, and she asked me really hard and interesting questions that pushed me beyond my comfort zone. Once you get through some familiar...

Dec 19, 2022

Continuing my goal of showcasing my own work in December, this week’s episode is all about my passion, my love, my baby; what we call DEFENSE DOCUMENTARIES.  Some call them mitigation videos or sentencing videos.  These are short, true, films produced for criminal cases (for plea negotion, sentencing, and...

Dec 12, 2022

We have produced over thirty episodes of Set For Sentencing including our Web extras, AND we’re just getting started. 

BUT no episode has yet solely focused on the work I do helping lawyers tell their most powerful sentencing narratives and producing defense documentaries to humanize clients and bring their life story...

Dec 5, 2022

Mitigation Specialists can be a lawyer’s secret weapon. They help us dig for, develop, and deliver our powerful mitigation narratives.  But many lawyers remain unaware of the import and effect of a full mitigation workup, or may not have the resources to do so. 

Therefore, helping us get set for sentencing is Victoria...

Nov 28, 2022

Lawyers are taught that logic is their best friend.  BUT, in the real world, human beings make their most important decisions based on EMOTION, not LOGIC.  So how do you present your facts in a way that taps into the genuine emotions of the decision makers?  Come on people, you know this:  A good, true, & well told...