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Set For Sentencing

Sep 26, 2022

Prison consultants have been receiving dubious attention in the press lately.  The truth is, a qualified prison consultant can be a valuable member of a well-managed defense team.  But, beware of so-called experts who promise you the moon for a fee. 

Helping us get set for sentencing is Walt Pavlo, the founder...

Sep 19, 2022


Helping us get set for sentencing, attorney Alan Ellis.  He's an expert in all things sentencing and post-conviction relief and the author of the wildly popular Federal Prison Guidebook.


  • The importance of knowing your Judge;
  • How to develop mental health...

Sep 12, 2022

The criminal system in Maricopa County, Arizona is missing the Justice.  It's the fourth largest county in the nation, and the eighth largest incarcerator IN THE WORLD.  The County Attorney's office has been infamous for decades for overcharging, systemic bias, and flat-out corruption.  

Helping us get Set For...

Sep 6, 2022

Black Americans and other minorities are disproportionally represented in the numbers of those charged, the kinds of charges they face, and the length of sentences imposed.  The question is WHY?  The answer is far from simple, but it’s one that everyone needs to better understand.

Helping us get Set for Sentencing,...