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Set For Sentencing

Nov 28, 2022

Lawyers are taught that logic is their best friend.  BUT, in the real world, human beings make their most important decisions based on EMOTION, not LOGIC.  So how do you present your facts in a way that taps into the genuine emotions of the decision makers?  Come on people, you know this:  A good, true, & well told...

Nov 21, 2022

On Friday, 11/18/22, a federal judge sentenced Elizabeth Holmes to over eleven years in prison.  Ms. Holmes was convicted after trial of a "fake it 'till you make it" fraud involving her company Theranos, and the revolutionary blood testing technology dream machine that was not to be.  There are many lessons we can...

Nov 14, 2022

Watch this episode on YOUTUBE, on APPLE PODCASTS, or wherever you get your podcasts!

Ideally, when a person who may have committed a crime is deemed to be seriously mentally ill, a fair and rational criminal justice system will give them meaningful mental health treatment in a humane environment. But, in the federal...

Nov 7, 2022

I hate to admit it, but we lawyers, we’re really good talkers, but listening? Not so much.  When your lawyer puts away the police report, sits with you, and says, "tell me your story, I’m all ears," then you know you are in good hands. 

But, being a good listener isn’t always intuitive.  Therefore, it’s time we...