Feb 27, 2023
We all want to be more persuasive communicators, especially when the big day of sentencing is upon us. But, many of us don't know whether our oral, written, or visual communications are grabbing and holding our audience, and most importantly, moving them to make the right decision in a case.
Therefore, helping us get...
Feb 20, 2023
Sharon Hicks is the epitome of a fearless lawyer. When she had a case with bad facts, a seemingly intractable judge, and a prosecutor seeking the maximum sentence, she made a case for probation. Everyone, even her closest legal confidants told her she was dreaming. But she knew this client had a story to tell, that...
Feb 13, 2023
Jon May is a gentleman, a scholar, and a phenomenal criminal defense lawyer based in the Miami area. His new book, Who Says You Can’t? How To Become a More Creative Criminal Defense Lawyer embodies his practice and his prolific writing on various aspects of criminal defense. It was an honor to hold court with him as...
Feb 6, 2023
We have an attorney general, who serves as the chief prosecutor for federal or state government. So, why, if we claim to have equal justice under the law do we not have a defense counterpart? Author and attorney extraordinaire, Andrea Lyon, makes the case for exactly that in her new book, Fixing Legal Injustice...