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Set For Sentencing

Aug 28, 2023

When a judge incarcerates a client awaiting trial, each of whom has not been convicted and is therefore presumed innocent, the practical result is that they go straight to sentencing without passing go, without collecting 200 dollars. 

Pre-trial detention should be reserved for the worst, or most potentially violent...

Aug 21, 2023

If you wanna feel really dim, spend an hour or so trying to debate the fine points of federal constitutional law with Prof. Doug Berman and Mark Allenbaugh.  We had to come back to the issue of how the guidelines condone using charges where a client goes to trial and a jury finds her not guilty, against them at a later...

Aug 14, 2023

Let us journey once more, into the BREACH, dear listeners.  We talked about sentencing implications of Hunter Biden's proposed plea agreement, but now we have to talk about why it all crashed and burned.  Spoiler alert, it's because of the plea provision discussing what happens if Hunter is found by the government to...

Aug 3, 2023

Everyone is talking about the latest Trump indictment.  But nobody is talking about the possible sentence he might face if convicted.  That's what we do!  Spoiler alert -- it's a big deal.