Nov 25, 2024
On November 1, several amendments to the United States Sentencing Guidelines took effect. Some of these changes are significant, offering advantages to the defense, while others are less beneficial.
However, ultimately, this process amounts to nothing more than "Kabuki Theatre," meaning the tortured guideline applications become merely performative, because 18 U.S.C. § 3553, enables discerning judges to overlook the sentencing recommendations provided by the guidelines.
Thus, it is crucial to be informed about these amendments to argue effectively whether and how they should be considered in the final analysis.
United States Sentencing Guidelines online:
My new Album! The guidelines are 40 years old, which is also when I picked up my first guitar. So, yes, I had to give a shameless plug for my first rock record, "One Good Thing", which is available everywhere you stream your music! Music is another creative outlet that keeps me sane and quiets my brain:
FAREWELL 2024!!!!
This will be the last new episode of 2024. As always, I wanted to thank you for listening, constributing, liking, subscribing and spreading the word about Set for Sentencing. We have been going strong for over two years now, and the show was recently ranked #7 among the 35 “must-follow” Criminal Defense podcasts in 2024, via Feedspot (35 Best Criminal Defense Podcasts You Must Follow in 2024).
So, per a tradition I started in 2023, I’ll be taking the rest of the year off! The remaining episodes of the year will be re-broadcasts of either other podcasts I have appeared on or some earlier episodes I adore and may have been overlooked when the audience was smaller.
2025 will be a wild ride, and we’ll be right here with you, buckled up and ready to roll. Until then, I’m grateful for all of it, and I hope you find some peace, light and love as the year winds down.