Nov 28, 2022
Lawyers are taught that logic is their best friend. BUT, in the real world, human beings make their most important decisions based on EMOTION, not LOGIC. So how do you present your facts in a way that taps into the genuine emotions of the decision makers? Come on people, you know this: A good, true, & well told story!
Helping us get Set For Sentencing, and joyfully continuing our ongoing conversation on legal narrative, is story expert, Matthew David. As a screenwriter and Dr. Randy Olson’s right hand man, Matt is deep into the world of narrative. He knows the "ABT" (AND, BUT, THEREFORE) template like the back of his hand. Even better, Matt formulated his own expression of the ABT, Dr. Olson now affectionately calls “the Matt Template” which goes like this: Heaven AND heaven, BUT hell, THEREFORE action! Now, let’s see how that works in the world of sentencing storytelling (spoiler alert – it works like magic).
This episode is not only entertaining AF, it’s filled with practical advice on how to effectively and powerfully communicate your client’s story to any decision-maker.
Matt’s website
THE NARRATIVE GYM FOR LAW: Introducing the ABT Framework for Persuasive Advocacy
HERO’S JOURNEY VIDEO (what makes a hero?)
Park Howell Business of Story Podcast
Some of my blogs:
“The 3 Most Important Words in Persuasive Communication”
“Five Reasons Every Lawyer Should Study the Art of Screenwriting & a Killer List of Resources to Get You Started”