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The LeadHerShip Podcast | Faith, Family, Business

May 25, 2022

It was in a dream I heard “you must stop to start.” I think there would be a lot of relief in quitting for some of you. A lot of comfort in “it didn’t work out; it’s not meant to be, I am just not meant to do that…” but my friend there’s a difference between quitting too soon and God pivoting you. Here...

May 18, 2022

This episode addresses our energy. So many people wander in cycles of shame thinking they don’t have enough willpower when really there’s an energy problem at the root of it. Address these 5 things to dial in your energy, escape burn out and run your home and your business productively and with grace. 

Connect with...

May 18, 2022

Hey Love, welcome back! Today we are going to build your DMO! Your daily method of operation! I have categorized business activity into 4 categories and am teaching you how to employ yourself daily to get results in your business! Lastly, we will go overpower pockets so you can kind those intentional times to work your...

May 18, 2022

Taking Authority in your business is essential for sustainable results. Your business consistently changes and needs different things; taking ownership and authority is how we advance. Here are 3 tangible ways to take authority in your business.  Make sure you join my 2-day Leadership Workshop to get hands-on training...

May 18, 2022

The NUMBER one issue I address in the DMs is overwhelm. How are we THIS overwhelmed with the lives we’ve built? I think it’s because we have been taught to react not respond to our lives. In this episode, I break down how to be a first responder in your home and begin to take authority. This is a process but these 3...