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The LeadHerShip Podcast | Faith, Family, Business

May 24, 2023

"If pleasing people were my goal, I would not be Christ's servant."


By surrendering to Christ, we can overcome people-pleasing and reach our full potential. There was a time when I found myself constantly trying to get approval from others - friends, family, even strangers. To put it simply, it was exhausting. I...

May 17, 2023

It can be difficult to live in a state where your morals and values do not align with the policies in place. The result may be frustration, exhaustion, and exhaustion. Here are some ways to cope with it. Living in a state where I disagree with politics, I have found ways to pray for change and maintain my inner peace.


May 3, 2023

The mission of my ministry is to promote a Christian worldview that recognizes redemption, restoration, and victory in Christ. Let me share my own experience with the education system, including my struggle with dyslexia. This gives you some background on why I'm not sending my kids to public school. Schools push an...

Apr 26, 2023

It might be controversial for some parents, but guiding your children toward a solid spiritual foundation is essential. Today I'm sharing my experiences telling my kids that Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny aren't real. As a result, it created a positive impact on my family. It's not an easy conversation to have for...

Apr 19, 2023

There's been a question about why I haven't shared my viewpoint on recent tragedies that have hit our country, and today I'll answer that. Remember, It's okay to take time to process and collect thoughts before commenting. Today, I'm going to use a biblical perspective to explain what led to the Nashville shooting....