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Gaming Without Credentials

Aug 31, 2022

These are the games we played this week, this week.

These are the games we played this week. 

Silver & Gold, Calico and ROVE: Results-Oriented Versatile Explorer


For our rotation and limit games we discuss Cubitos and Hive respectively. 

Aug 24, 2022

Come hang out and see 

This week we played Ohanami

Matt talks about his current facination

which of course is Age of Civilization

We won't cower or hide

as last we played Regicide


Into the rotation we bring out all the challengers 

Just survivors playing Arctic Scavengers

Lastly we muse about the limit game which does...

Aug 17, 2022

There is no time to waste. Listen as we discuss the games we played this week: King of Tokyo, Clank!(Explanation Point):(colon) A Deck-(hyphen) Building Adventure and Coup

We put Twin Palms into the rotation (Another trick-taking game eh?). We end with another riviting discussion where we talk about the benefits and...

Aug 10, 2022

We dive right into MicroMacro: Crime City, The Red Cathedral and Factory Funner which we played this week. 

Troyes enters our rotation and we talk about taking the trick-taking game Jekyll vs. Hyde to the...

Aug 3, 2022

Greetings and salutations! Relax as we talk about the games Hera and Zeus, Honga and Disney Sidekicks that we played this week.

Afterwhich we welcome Tigris & Euphrates, from the good doctor, into the rotation and say goodbye to Viticulture Essential Edition as our limit game.