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Sep 1, 2020

On this episode I share with you the things and steps you can take to take of your finances if your country is entering in a re lock down and things are not looking as plan for you anymore. Be prepared in the best ways possible.

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By the simple act of...

Aug 4, 2020

In the world shrouded in Fear, it feels like everything is out of our control and the uncertainty is endless. What if I told you there was a way to bring certainty into your life, to win at life, and to get rid of fear around your finances? Well, I have the number 1 question that is going to help you find the pathway...

Jul 28, 2020

This current landscape has dealt many people lots of different life blows. If you've found yourself thinking, how do I recover from this?; I made this episode just for you. This episode is packed with tips for how to get back up, structure your life, solidify your prioirities to get you back on your feet and...

Jun 16, 2020

Social Media is on fire with the race/disparity debate, yes there's a lot of work to be done, our system is broken and the inequality is real around the world but as a person who can be placed into three different minorities, a woman, a Hispanic descendant with black skin. I haven't let any of this stop me...

Jun 9, 2020

If you want to make a real change on your finances, but so far have tried many things without result, or not tried anything at all because you don't have money, then probably its'  time to start working on the roots of your problem, the mindset. This episode is gonna help you to determined with 5 easy crucial...