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Nov 28, 2021


As promised, here is a bonus episode to help you decondition the crown center. 

Let's dive deeper into what drives us to do what we do according to Human design and Money. 

Many questions around how the energy from our centers works with money in Human designs. Well, I’ve created this podcast...

Nov 21, 2021

Let's dive deeper into what drives us to do what we do according to Human design and Money. 

Many questions around how the energy from our centers works with money in Human designs. Well, I’ve created this podcast series going through each energy center to explain to you its relation to money.

This podcast season is...

Aug 15, 2021

You know how powerful is the 1% of the population that can capture and amplify somebody’s else energy?

Yeah! Those are reflectors! - In human design, this is the only energy type that is not able to generate any type of energy but is as powerful as the other types.

If you are a reflector (send me a DM on my...

Aug 8, 2021

There are some among us that just have the wisdom within themselves to see things differently and guide others through find and achieve their goals. Those ones are Projectors!

With less energy than generators, projectors are here to take care of their hours of energy to create whatever they want (And that is enough)...

Aug 1, 2021

What to do with all the energy and ideas pushing you to jump from one thing to another thing? Well! Take advantage of it!! This energy type “MG’s or Manifesting Generators” is here to make things so different and thrive at it.

If you are an MG, don't miss this episode! But also have a listen to this episode...