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Nov 24, 2022

Are you a female entrepreneur looking to double your income and have paying clients before the Holidays? You may have been told you need so many different strategies, it doesn't have to be that difficult.

In this episode 5 min to debunk a belief epiose, Amber @_innovativemindz, Transformational Coach, shared with us...

Nov 9, 2022

Welcome to a New Segment of the Happy and Wealthy Podcast! 
5 Min to debunk a money belief so that you can go out there to make and Attract More Money

Are you a female entrepreneur looking for a way to achieve financial success? You may have been told to save, and change your behaviors, but if you do not see the results...

Nov 2, 2022

In this podcast episode, I dive into the idea of the "gratitude attitude", and whether or not it is necessary to be grateful for everything in order to attract abundance.

You will learn how feeling grateful can harm or help your money mindset journey to attract more money.

"Do not compare my ends with your...