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Oct 5, 2022

As a female entrepreneur, how can you ensure you end your 2022 with your money goals checked successfully?! 


In this episode you will learn: 


1. How to focus on what matters to you and what you want to accomplish by the end of the year.

 2. The number one way for female entrepreneurs to make money and why is essential.

 3. What you should be doing in the next 10 weeks to crush the last quarter of 2022. 



 "For the next ten weeks, focus on what really matters to you and talk about your offers."


 I can't believe it's already the last quarter of the year. It feels like just yesterday I was setting my goals for 2022 and now it's almost over. 


The pressure is real! The pressure to make everything you planned happen before the end of the year. I know You know that it is time to focus on what really matters and not get distracted by things that don't. I'm confident you can make this a successful and abundant year.


 In this episode, you will learn the following:

 1) What are the top three things you need to do to crush the last quarter of 2022? 

2) What is the best way to open the doors to abundance right now? 

3) How can you practice and repeat the steps necessary to achieve your goals? 



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 Chapter Summaries:

 [00:00:00] - The last quarter of the year always feels like a marathon. The holidays, the pressure of closing up a chapter and the end of a year add up the pressure. One of the members of IMM's Ignite Your Money community is a mom of four and a fulltime business owner. She feels the pressure to make it work for her and her kids.


 [00:04:28] - In this episode, Toni explains how to focus on what matters to you and what you want to accomplish by the end of the year. Most female entrepreneurs waste time chasing many ghosts at the same time. They don't take a step back and ask, what is the intention and the impact of that specific goal?


 [00:11:03] - The number one way for female entrepreneurs to make money is by openly and widely offering their products and services. 90% of members of Ignite Your Money Mind and my 101 clients talk about their offers once or twice and then disappear. Last quarter of the year is the best quarter to put together an attractive offer and roll with it.


 [00:14:00] - For the next ten weeks, focus on what really matters to you and talk about your offers. Next week, talk about the lack mentality. Then talk about what you want to achieve and focus on opening the doors for abundance. Practice. Practice. Tweak and repeat.




 Connect with me:

IG: @MoneyMindsetExpert


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